Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Time is Now...

Imagine it is around 50 degrees outside and the wind is blowing this nice chilly breeze. Now imagine you are walking on the sidewalks of a downtown area to see a family gathered to take pictures. It sounds all nice and sweet and then you see the woman who is dressed in a sleeveless black dress and high heel shoes. Wouldn't you think she is crazy!?! Yeah, that lady was me haha. 

As a parent, you are always thinking about the future and how to provide for everyone. Most of the time you are trying to take care of everyone else and seldom do something for yourself. Being a photographer on top of that, I am always taking pictures of my kids but rarely get any of Nathan, my husband, and myself together.

The past few years have just flown by. Ethan is now 5 years old. August Lynn has passed the 1 yr mark so she will be growing at super speeds and everyday is just a blur. This April Nathan and I will be celebrating 10 yrs of MARRIAGE!! If that isn't a milestone to celebrate, I don't know what is!

Besides the occasional set up the tripod and put the camera on it, we haven't had any real pictures taken together. I wanted some of just the two of us to put around the house - and we threw the kids in a few too :).  The weather was supposed to be mildly warm and I had this cute little black dress and red high heels that I was determined to wear. Little did Mother Nature care because it was FREEZING that day. But I did it anyway.  My good friend Erica was willing to come out early one Saturday morning to take these pictures and I am so grateful to her. There is only so much you can do on your own with a tripod.  Pictures taken by Erica Yarbrough and editing done by Landrum Studios Photography

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica!

    I just finished checking out your blog and wanted to see if you might be interested in collaborating on something. If you'd like to discuss, just send me an email when you have a chance!


    emmabanks9 (at) gmail (dot) com
